Lirik Lagu The Overtunes - Let You Go

Lirik Lagu The Overtunes - Let You Go, Selamat datang di blog personal Lirik Trending, Anda bisa melihat berbagai macam lirik lagu yang Anda mau, lirik lagu yang ditampilkan juga sangat lengkap dan cocok untuk Anda yang sedang menghafal sebuah lagu dari The Overtunes.

Inilah Lirik Lagu The Overtunes - Let You Go

We just cant be together it wouldnt be forever...
those words stuck inside my head...
It was all okay Til' you went away...

When you said its over You left my heart begging...

What if i told you so...
would you have let me go...
cuz im still runnin to you...
what if i let you go...
Then would you miss me so...
The way i need you now...

It was not the ending It was just the beginning...
I am broken Braking down in tears...
Could it only be me or do you feel it too?...
See im not here to blame...
but you act as if its just a game...
such a shame but i just cant let go...

What if i told you so...
Then would you miss me so...
cuz im still dying...
and what if i dont let go...
Would you be coming home...
And we'd be flying...

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